What fresh hell is this?

By What - 27/06/2024 09:00 - United States

Today, after going to the doctor, thinking I was going to be diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, it turns out my thyroid is "perfectly normal." Apparently the strange feeling in my neck that oddly mimicked the disease is "an autism thing", even though I've never noticed it happen until now. I am so confused. FML
I agree, your life sucks 369
You deserved it 85

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd ask to see the results. Autism isn't normally defined as feeling lumps in throat. You need a second opinion also.


tiptoppc 19

“You’re ugly, and you smell bad!” Not the 2nd opinion they probably want..

I'd ask to see the results. Autism isn't normally defined as feeling lumps in throat. You need a second opinion also.

Welcome to the American healthcare system. If they can't diagnose something, or at too lazy to try, the answer is automatically some type of autism. Literally everyone has something wrong with them these days.