Self sabotage

By Leah - 05/05/2023 03:00

Today, I was super nervous about seeing a really cute rental property in a HIGHLY competitive market. I thought it was going well until I panicked and shook the landlord's hand as I was leaving, even though she specifically said she doesn't do handshakes at the beginning of the tour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 668
You deserved it 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Handshakes are usually a mutual thing. Was she holding out her hand, or did you just grab it?


I doubt that if there was no other issue, that the handshake poisoned the deal. Handshakes are so common in our culture that they have to have encountered it before… Some people have arthritis in their hands and a firm handshake is painful. And some people just don’t want to be touched.

So, you lack the self-control to follow a basic rule? I'll bet they can't wait for you to be a tenant.

Handshakes are usually a mutual thing. Was she holding out her hand, or did you just grab it?