Serious talk

By OhMyWhitney - 20/02/2012 07:41 - United States

Today, my friend and I got into such a heated debate the police had to be called. The debate was about Whitney Houston. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 192
You deserved it 32 904

Same thing different taste

Top comments

justmethough 8

You have to accept it, she will not always love you.

I can't listen to anyone talk about Whitney Houston without someone saying "She was fine, until she married that low life Bobby Brown. Blah blah blah" Damn! She was a grown ass woman, she ****** up her life on her own!!! Call the cops!


hateevryone 14
marcus903 17

YDI for being that stupid and calling the police over dumb stuff.

acetheone 8

what? one of you reckoned they did more drugs than her? just let the poor woman rest in peace. smh.

Druggies don't deserve any recognition.

Nothing like a good ole fashioned domestic dispute to remember her by

You honestly had nothing better to argue about? And why would the police have to be brought into it? Anger issues anyone?

R.I.P to Whitney. She was hella good back in the day.