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Seven against one

By Anonymous - 29/01/2025 11:00 - United Kingdom - Lerwick

Today, I am living a nightmare. My mother is now friends with my wife and my mother-in-law, plus my sister is now friends with my wife’s sisters. All that needs to happen now is they all get together in the same room and my life will be over; it will be a 7 on 1 massacre, and I’ll be the 1. FML
I agree, your life sucks 182
You deserved it 449

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ellenness 5

that's adorable and sounds like evidence that you and your wife are a good match!

Welcome to the hell of a healthy mingling of family. Just don't be an arse to your wife and everything will be fine.


ellenness 5

that's adorable and sounds like evidence that you and your wife are a good match!

Welcome to the hell of a healthy mingling of family. Just don't be an arse to your wife and everything will be fine.