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By Anonymous - 29/01/2025 01:00 - United States - Denver

Today, I saw that Trump is cutting funding to Medicaid and freezing the portals everywhere. Medicaid covers the medicine I need to stay alive, and I can't afford it otherwise. I'm only 25, I don't want to die. FML
I agree, your life sucks 669
You deserved it 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

To all the people who clicked YDI: **** you. I curse you with mosquito bites between all your ******* toes and fingers, paper cuts on your taints and a blown-out rectum.

ellenness 5

How on EARTH are there 10 "you deserve it" votes for this already?!


ellenness 5

How on EARTH are there 10 "you deserve it" votes for this already?!

To all the people who clicked YDI: **** you. I curse you with mosquito bites between all your ******* toes and fingers, paper cuts on your taints and a blown-out rectum.

Pretty sure the YDI are because OP is 25 and actually believes the story they read. Has anyone learned nothing about 8+ years of fake news?

I think the YDI is if you voted Trump. If you Voted Harris then your life sucks. So which way did you vote? Or did you not vote at all?