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Simple solution

By lacieQ - 01/08/2014 20:09 - Canada

Today, I confided to my grandma that I'm suffering from depression and I feel like a burden to everyone. She replied that her grandpa used to suffer from depression too, but that he'd cured himself in the end, namely by committing suicide. Thanks, grandma, thanks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 129
You deserved it 4 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry OP that was so insensitive of your grandmother to say. Keep your head up, it'll get better and know there's people out there to genuinely help you if you need someone to talk to.

Just because someone says something, doesn't mean you have to accept it. Always remember that you are important! You matter to someone, and if you smile once every day, things will get better.


I'm sorry OP that was so insensitive of your grandmother to say. Keep your head up, it'll get better and know there's people out there to genuinely help you if you need someone to talk to.

I have gone through the same thing and I know how it feels when someone says suicide is the answer. But you are beautiful, strong, and if you think no one cares about you you're wrong. I care about you, and I'm sure other FML readers do top. It's a bad place but the most important thing to do is get help. I really hope you can get out of this dark place. I am sorry for your loss

^ shit insensitive douchebags say because they're too ******* stupid to understand mental illnesses

That's not completely true. It doesn't always get better. It got better for me, but only because I got on meds for it. But if you don't get on meds or find some kind of solution, it usually just gets worse.

Actually. That's not true. Meds don't 'make you better' they're a temporary relief thing.

DarkSmoke591 21

Sorry for your Granpa. Stay positive, it always gets better

Just because someone says something, doesn't mean you have to accept it. Always remember that you are important! You matter to someone, and if you smile once every day, things will get better.

smile. it makes the world a better place. you'll get over what she said. hopefully

#5, I know you're trying to be kind. As someone who suffers from clinical depression, I'd like to tell you that we absolutely get tired of people telling us to smile. Its really not a high priority for someone who wakes up every day and only sees the shadows. That said, it is hard to get better without some kind of support from family or close friends. While they may not completely understand what you are going through, they will listen when you need them. Sorry, OP, maybe your grandma has the wrong notion of what depression is. Many people refuse to acknowledge depression as having a severe impact on a person because they either don't understand it or they associate the word "depression" with a negative image. People are uncomfortable discussing mental illness. I don't think your grandma was telling you to kill yourself, but we only know the story you tell us. Maybe she never truly understood the scope of her grandfather's depression. We also need to remember that until recently, seeking psychiatric help caused a person to be labeled as crazy which caused many people to suffer quietly on their own. Find yourself someone you can talk to, OP, and don't be afraid to seek treatment if you need it.

skittyskatbrat 19

Do you tell Anorexics to just eat?

Older people tend to say insensitive things more. I wonder why.

As you get older you definitely learn to stop caring about what others think.

Because they were raised in a world that wasn't so damn sensitive. Being blunt and to the point was preferred to being overly sensitive and never making a point.

It's a crude and medieval cure, but she's a little right. You aren't a burden, OP.

Don't listen to her OP. Adults now-a-days just don't understand that some people could be depressed. It's like they don't get it. Please stay strong.

Well that's an ignorant statement. Since when do adults not understand depression?

Well coming from my experiences they haven't cared. So I do apologize if that offended anybody.

Because they're evil adults who just don't understand what kids are going through! I mean it's not like they were ever kids...

Wow, I love how she doesn't even understand that the person above her was being sarcastic. My mind is blown. "Exactly! OMG yeah of course adults were never kids!"

I was going to be meaner, but I already felt so embarrassed for her that she describes herself as "just a punk teenager" in her profile.

skittyskatbrat 19

Well, it does run in the family, just like diabetes and high blood pressure. And if she says something like that again, I'd say you are totally good with asking her where she'll be buried, which funeral home she wants, if she worries about being buried alive, and if she would be able to plan this so that it falls during vacation time so you don't miss work. Be just as thoughtless.... Although I do hope she was accidentally unsupportive and apologizes. Depression bites!

Vanshikap 24

Stay strong OP. Sorry about your grandma. Just know that there are people out there who are willing to listen if you really need to talk.