Single life

By sadspinster - 29/09/2019 14:00

Today, I found out that both my younger sisters are bringing their boyfriends home for Christmas. The youngest is 25, and he's actually her fiancé. The other is 30, and she and her boyfriend have been living together for over a year. I'll be the 36-year-old spinster in the twin bed upstairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 581
You deserved it 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"F my life because they put themselves out there to work towards their goals and are happy!" Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something about it! If not, enjoy whatever lifestyle you have or want! If you're happy, then don't worry about it. Different lives, different interests and different opportunities.

I'm sure your attitude of envy, jealousy and self-pity drives the fellas away.


Reminds me of the time I visited my father with my younger brother and sister. Both younger siblings brought their partners, so had the two double guest rooms. I on the otherhand, had to make do with the cheap single in a converted walk-in wardrobe!

"F my life because they put themselves out there to work towards their goals and are happy!" Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something about it! If not, enjoy whatever lifestyle you have or want! If you're happy, then don't worry about it. Different lives, different interests and different opportunities.

I'm sure your attitude of envy, jealousy and self-pity drives the fellas away.

If you're happy single, then don't worry about it. If you're putting yourself out there and trying, also don't worry about it. I know a lot of people who married later in life. You're not "on the shelf" once you're past 18 anymore.

Being single is the shit! You get to keep all your money, you can do everything you want when you want, and the best part? All that extra bed space.

Did you say you are the old sphincter?!

All you need to do is bring home the 18 year football star and be the milf killer with the boy toy.

I feel you . My little sisters been engaged three times, married twice and here I am , 30 and singe

I'm thinking you might have better luck finding someone if you didn't still live at home. ydi