
By Anonymous - 02/06/2024 08:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my son told me not to be silly, because things like the Tooth Fairy and Santa don’t exist. He’s three years old. I guess we’ll just skip all the magical moments of his childhood I was looking forward to, and start the process of turning him into a soulless adult who doesn’t know how to have fun. FML
I agree, your life sucks 440
You deserved it 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My parents didn't lie to me about non existing things. And I remember maybe magical part of childhood. I grow up on wonderful fantasy books and played many games. It's sad that you think the real world is so horrible that it's either lying or soulless..

If the only way you can think of your son experiencing magical moments is through lies, maybe you're the soulless one who doesn't know how to have fun.


My parents didn't lie to me about non existing things. And I remember maybe magical part of childhood. I grow up on wonderful fantasy books and played many games. It's sad that you think the real world is so horrible that it's either lying or soulless..

Lamitucus 4

Is he the child version of the step dad from the Santa Claus?

If the only way you can think of your son experiencing magical moments is through lies, maybe you're the soulless one who doesn't know how to have fun.

Time for you to learn about the magical things in nature, like mantis shrimps, rotating owl heads, or how you can change the direction of an arrow by placing a glass in front of it and filling it with water.

It is always better not to lie to a child. And there are so many magical things out there. Read some books to your son, there are plenty of awesome magical stories.

There are many other ways to have fun that don't end up traumatizing your kid later on down the line when they find out you'd been lying