It is

By Anonymous - 07/12/2013 07:17 - United States - San Pablo

Today, my fifteen year-old son decided to tell his little five year-old sister that Santa isn't real. She now refuses to talk to any of us and thinks "her whole life is a lie". FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 550
You deserved it 6 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Beating donkeys are considered animal abuse. Just sayin'.

Don't tell her about the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny then. She may go rogue.


Beating donkeys are considered animal abuse. Just sayin'.

Don't be surprised if she committs suicide.

Tell her that Santa IS real, and that we are all just a figment of HIS imagination. Problem solved :D

Gingerette 8

64, you like seeing people in therapy, don't you? You're my kind of person.

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Abusing a child for telling the truth? Great parenting.

lb0812 18

@91- He was not innocently telling the truth. He was probably deliberately being cruel. You wouldn't pardon someone who called another person fat simply because it may be true. Because that is inherently cruel, rendering the virtue 'honesty' null and void.

Well we all know how those five year olds go through those stages. It all happens.

I found out about santa not being real when I was 9. I heard kids at school talking and thought they were joking. I waited till midnight on Christmas to realise that santa was my dad.

I was ten and noticed when reading the gift tags on my presents that Santa had the exact same handwriting as my mom.

My brother did the same to me, she'll get over it in a few days.

49, my mom is pretty sly, she uses this sloppy handwriting to say that this present is from Santa, but my grandma has a different handwriting... I began noticing...

Rose_916 16

I found out when I was ten, we were having a party and i went to bed so that Santa would come.I got up to ask my mom something since she was still awake because of the party turns out she went to the store so the door was unlocked and when i walked in her room i saw her friend wrapping the presents the look on her face was priceless! Then the next morning when I got up to see the presents I saw the same size and wrapping paper of the ones i saw they night before. It was horrible for me i can't even imagine what it would feel like for a five year old.

yeah, the handwriting and wrapping paper is what gave it away for me too around 7-8

TyT63 12

that sucks that it had to happen at this time of year too

JMichael 25

Tell her he's kidding and that Santa is very real. Stage Santa shows up on your doorstep when your son is at school and she's home.

And then when she finds out later (again) that Santa isn't real, what will she think then? Perhaps you should rethink your plan.

She will find out like normal kids do. Believing in Santa made it a lot more fun as a kid and she deserves a few more years of believing before facing the truth. It's not that big of a deal when you get a little but older anyway when she would find out. I doubt she would be nearly as upset.

My parents didn't give me presents from Santa - guess what ... Christmas was still magical!

Don't tell her about the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny then. She may go rogue.

Wait...don't tell her what about the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy? That they work minimum wage? That they don't get health benefits with their job? That they can barely support their families?

That they're both going to prison. Apparently the tooth fairy has been taking the gold and silver caps from the teeth she collects, melting them down, and selling the metals on the black market. The Easter Bunny has been arrested for using his tunnels for human trafficking. didn't hear it from me.

What's next? Frosty becoming a cocaine addict? Rudolph using his nose as a cheap strobe light at shady downtown clubs? What are the upstanding holiday characters of our youth coming to? It's this damned economy, I tell you!

I have to admit, the Rudolph line cracked me up.

Hey welshite remember me? I used to hate u

I believe every child deserves some sort of magic in his/her life. It doesn't hurt them, but it encourages them to wonder. Better to have a few years of joy before they are thrust into reality.

12/ That reminds me of that children's book called "it only gets worse".

#12 Apparently, it does hurt some of them. Case in point OP

olpally 32

Looks like someone is getting coal for Christmas.

BlueFlatts 20

While the other one is getting double presents. Horay!

jazzy_123 20

To a five year old that practically is her whole life

I don't want to sound mean but she'll get over it. at any rate if you REALLY want her to start believing again you could always arrange something in the house to where there's enough clues and hints that shows that Santa is real. best it luck op :)

Tell her the guy at the mall is Santa's' helper because he is busy at the North Pole making presents (: