Slam dunk

By Anonymous - 18/01/2014 19:49 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, at work, a kid rushed into the bathroom to vomit. Understandable, except he threw up into the sinks. Sinks plural, whose drain holes are so small that only liquid can really pass through. Guess who had to clean up vomit chunks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 501
You deserved it 3 819

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fooltemptress 36

I hope you aren't a sympathy puker :/

FYL, and the kid's life. Chunks aren't fun either way!


Well unless you work there just walk out like nothing happened...

arandomusernameaa 20
perdix 29

Who? Was it Robert Mugabe? Celine Dion? Lindsey Vonn? These are my guesses. Please mail me my prize if I won!

I used to run a cell phone store and an old man and his wife come in and during the transaction, the old man needed to use the bathroom, when he was done he instantly went outside. come to find out that he ended up pooping everywhere. we ended up making him come back in and clean it up. I felt bad and im sure he was embarrassed but cleaning up someone's poop is not on the top of my list. not to mention how infectious that could be.

Unfortunately that is not that uncommon for employees to have to do in jobs where there is no designated janitor.

I understand that, don't get me wrong. I'm just saying that that is not for me.

that blows op. tomorrow will be a new day.

BuckinFitch 5

That sounds horrible! At least it wasn't in carpet or something

Cleaning up vomit from carpet is the worst thing ever.

Sinks?? What did he do, fill up one sink then move to the next.. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.

Ugh! But better this than on carpet or something.