Slay, queen!

By draggirl - 13/10/2009 17:26 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to buy my prom dress. I felt really good as I walked out of the dressing room, until someone walked out of the room next to me wearing the same dress, and looked better in it than I did. It was a man buying it for his drag show. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 583
You deserved it 4 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Just put a sausage and a couple of plums in your panties and you'll look just as good in that dress as he does!

baby610 4

hard to beleive your a pastor...


well that's what you get for being so ******* ugly

Haha wow, men wearing dresses. wonderful world were living in. Funny thing is people think this is natural.

*shrugs* Many ladies nowadays wear pants. That isn't how it was even just a hundred years ago. As for men wearing dresses.. they did it in ancient Greece and Rome. Wearing clothes -period- isn't natural, but most of us do it anyway.

wow, sounds like you're pretty hit. Maybe a brown bag on your head would be nice for prom?

PlasmaWafflez 0

You know what they say, "the grass is always greener on the other side"/

On the bright side, I think I know who your prom date should be.

did you get the dress? i think it would be a funny story to tell everyone :)

aidenkush 0

she spelled everything fine? WTF is wrong with u people..