Slicy slicy

By nessacadesa - 24/03/2009 04:47 - United States

Today, I was telling my younger brother and sister how important it is to know how to use a knife properly, all while slicing potatoes. Just as I was saying how stupid people can be with knives, the potato slipped on the counter. I sliced open my hand while talking about knife safety. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 989
You deserved it 58 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ha ha! Oh Irony thou art a cruel bitch! Though you could have saved it by saying "You see? I did that for your benefit to show you what happens when you don't pay attention while using a knife".

Yeah, what #2 said... or just drop to the ground screaming and trying to get blood on as much of anything as possible. See how careful the kids would be with knives after that.


eeee93757 0

Gotta love irony but you didn't deserve it. Another important lesson was learned here: accidents happen.

actually, that probably makes it more memorable. lesson: don't talk while using knives.

Liliith_fml 0

" and remember, kids, DON'T explain knife safety while using a knife, or this will happen to you..." :)

Perfect Demonstration! Way to go... Hey, they learned at least, depending on their age and how bad you screamed they might be mortified Don't have to worry about them cutting themselves

cold_steel_13 0
TalkCuntyToMe 0

are you related to the kid who cut open the back of his hand while slicing open a bagel?

anthem_fml 0

YDI, you angered the Gods of Irony. haha.

Well it's only a knife, some people have won Darwin awards (™) for doing the same kind of thing with a gun .you're luckier than you think

theoldGP 0

hahah wow. you deserved that... lol yeah #26 i was just thinking about that post