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By charliebravo77 - 09/12/2011 20:14 - United States

Today, I drove into the parking lot at work, and discovered too late that there were patches of ice everywhere. As I turned to enter my usual spot, I lost control of the vehicle, and despite my pleas, praying, and profanity, it glided straight into my boss's car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 432
You deserved it 4 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IAmNotAnAnimal 9

Like a good neighbor state farm is there! With unemployment.

PuffDaddy395 3

Do you work at an auto repair shop..?


PuffDaddy395 3

Do you work at an auto repair shop..?

#1 I doubt it OP ydi for using profanity and praying at the same time.

xXxIracebethxXx 14

How long did it take you to crash into your boss' car that you plea, pray, and use profanity? A simple "****!" is all it takes and all is needed. Praying and pleaing never work.

38- hes guilty because he just admitted it, dumbass. But in saying that. Its not ops fault unless he was trying to drift, slide it onto a spot like in tokyo drift,

#49 apparently you have never had the pleasure of sliding on may only be going 5 mph and see what is about to happen but there is no stopping at that point... Sucks for you Op fyl

n_epic_fail 14

Not even praying worked?! Jesus must have been taking a nap... Hopefully he's awake when your boss finds out.

Llamacod 11

Holy shit rexgar that sucks, what did your boss say when you told him?

You want me to take photo????? Me love you long time???

-56 i find you completely ignorant for thinking i am a dumbass because of my comment.

Dr_JuanDiaz 0

That awkward moment when you walk through the metal detectors at the airport, and your abs of steel set them off.

Someone isn't getting a raise this Christmas :(

Btw pleas, prayers and profanity? Wonderful alliteration there. Do you write poetry? I'm not even kidding.

That awkward moment when u post something irrelevant to the FML and still expect it to be liked.

n_epic_fail 14

That really awkward moment when you're scrolling threw the comments all jolly and run across serious discussions and posting a non serious comment seems inappropriate...

rallets 22

that awkward moment that isnt even awkward at all

EmperorXing 0

Shit! That's sucks! What did he say?

He didn't say anything, he pointed at the door

gabrielbaby 9
rexgar2000 10

shit this happened to me once on a red light, it was like supper slow-motion as I watched myself glide into incoming traffic. Luckily my car stop, I was pale as a ghost.

Probably something along the lines of "you're fired". Or he got a warning. Common sense isn't so common anymore.

86 if his boss fired him for that he could easily sue for his job or rather money. Although I do agree with you common sense is missing these days.

ninjuh_wingman 29
yohooooooo 5

haha I see what you have done there.

Omg 4 lol I can't even see u! U blend in with the dark, buddy :)

Hopefully OP can slide their way out of this one ;p

No offense whats so ever. (coming from a black person)

fthislyfe 22

I don't usually comment about people's pics but I don't think I can sleep tonight after seeing that picture... I mean what's with flouresent eyes?

BehindU 5

Can't believe I fell for that pun. Your really slick

jwade11 12

Ya ice can't hear your words!!! Who told you it could?

Please, God, make them stop with their stupid ******* puns. (What? Apparently, pleas, praying, and profanity are supposed to work.)

nublets 12

149- no reason to be so cold..

IAmNotAnAnimal 9

Like a good neighbor state farm is there! With unemployment.

leadman1989 15

That actually sounds like a TERRIBLE neighbor. One that would steal fake Christmas presents just a total dick.

I think anti lock breaks would have decreased the damage a little

Like a good neighbor state farm is there: with someone to blame! And a sandwich.

Llamacod 11

Andysfancy, not everyone on the planet drive a 1993 ford festiva like you, some people actually drive cars that are worth money.

LezBiHonest 7

This is when you drive away like nothing happened...walk to your boss and say...."woah looks like someone hit your car"

It was an accident, so hopefully OP's boss will understand. If he lies about it, though, he would definitely get in more trouble and possibly even get fired.

LezBiHonest 7

Well I wasn't really suggesting him/her to lie...just to tell the boss what happened...without much detail.

sabrinaFML 0

Shes obvi kidding lol that wud b hilarious if somone thought she was serious... Too late nvm

LezBiHonest about these things. Best to cop it on the chin. Sooner or later the boss will work it out...

Yeah that could work but I'm guessing the boss is going to notice he has a dent in his car from hitting his car

47, if you don't think anyone would seriously lie about hitting someone else's car, then you don't know how common hit-and-runs are.

sabrinaFML 0

But obviously lezbihonest is just kiddng nd im just saying tht everyone is taking it way too seriously

Praying and profanity should not go together haha

leadman1989 15

9 - Yeah just stick with profanity... better chance of working. ;D

43-as a Christian I'm gonna have to disagree with ya there

leadman1989 15

I was being facetious, but studies DO show that if you curse when you're in pain it actually reduces the amount of pain you feel. Also "curse" words are thought to be stored in a different part of the brain more associated with emotion than with language. Sorry... I just nerdgasmed all over your face. ^-^

I'd be careful 62, she is a christian after all.

72 idk if you're bashing my religion or not but of you are that's not appreciated. Christians CAN have a sense of humor you know

When it comes to their religion, a sense of humor, understanding, or acceptance is rare among Christians. Anyway, how can 72's comment even be construed as bashing Christianity? The purpose of this comment is to show you true bashing, so you might recognize it better in the future.

Miss_Trejo 5

Ouch, that sucks. I hope your boss understands it was an accident!