
By charliebravo77 - 09/12/2011 20:14 - United States

Today, I drove into the parking lot at work, and discovered too late that there were patches of ice everywhere. As I turned to enter my usual spot, I lost control of the vehicle, and despite my pleas, praying, and profanity, it glided straight into my boss's car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 426
You deserved it 4 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IAmNotAnAnimal 9

Like a good neighbor state farm is there! With unemployment.

PuffDaddy395 3

Do you work at an auto repair shop..?


RickX 0

I've done the same exact thing except it was me ex gf whom I still had feelings for lol

good thing ur alright. hope u didnt get fired!

Although I feel bad for Op, don't plead with the vehicle, grab the wheel, and make it go where you want.

I hit a mailbox once because of ice. The family was home but refused to open the door to my knocks and i had no paper so i moved their downed mailbox and drove off. Now my friend who lives in said neighborhood laughs uncontrollably every time we pass that now nonexistent mailbox.