Smart kid

By my_way_1213 - 09/06/2018 20:30

Today, at 2 in the afternoon, I walked in on my 6-year-old making coffee. When I asked what he was doing, he said, "You were being grumpy, and you said coffee makes you not so grumpy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 268
You deserved it 3 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You’re raising your kid right! He is right you know!

Oh come on, that's not a **** my life. That's your kid being kind and wanting to help you out. You're doing a good job. Would you rather your kid be bratty and ignorant all the time?


Melanie Jane Tilson 8

That's actually really sweet of him, not a FML at all

Was the coffee any good? If so, you have your own personal barista and you don’t have to deal with the man-bun or tipping!

That's adorable, not an FML. What I find funny is that there are a bunch of 'that's cute' comments. Some of them got upvoted, some of them got downvoted. Folks, make up your minds!

You’ve got a nice kid there, Grumpy!

hayyad 7

I don't see why this is an fml; this is honestly adorable and I wish someday my baby girl would do this for me lol

The only way this is an FML would be if the coffee tasted like mud or wasn't very good. I mean, the kid is only 6...

I think that's cute. why do you think thats an fml?

Leviathene 34

Your kid sounds very intuitive. This is something you should help him enhance, rather than be upset about. But hey, you were grumpy! Drink your coffee, give your boy a hug and be happy together.

I used to tell my daughter my chew was my medicine. When I would get angry she would cautiously bring it to me.