Sneaked in

By GameMeetsGame2024 - 30/06/2024 05:00 - United States - Chicago

Today, an attractive woman was flirting with me from across a coffee shop. When I walked over and introduced myself, she served me with my divorce paperwork. FML
I agree, your life sucks 123
You deserved it 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's hilarious! Your wife has a great sense of humor. Seems only fitting.

I can see why your wife is divorcing you. Good on her using your MO against you. YDI.


That's hilarious! Your wife has a great sense of humor. Seems only fitting.

I can see why your wife is divorcing you. Good on her using your MO against you. YDI.

Sounds like she at least agreed to have this kind of fun with the divorce instead of running off to spend six months getting drunk with her new husband and abandoning me with two kids and no money. Like a certain ex-wife of mine who shall remain nameless/

Say goodbye to your ego. You won't be seeing it for a while.

I need to buy your ex wife and that papers serving lady a beer. That's just ******* hilarious and oh so very well deserved karma.

cpguru24 16

I mean. Welcome to failing.