
By Anonymous - 07/08/2009 02:10 - United States

Today, as I opened my diary to write a new entry, I noticed that every page had little side notes about what I had written. It had an extra long note on the page where I wrote about losing my virginity in great detail. All of the notes ended with "Love, Mom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 946
You deserved it 9 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get your own back. Write a new entry in your diary about how you seduced your high school principle and let him snort lines of coke off your ****. Either that or "Dear diary, today I had thoughts about killing and eating my family, starting with my mother".

DirtyDiana_fml 0

that sucks privacy is important she should know that.


thelonelylurker 0

Aren't you gonna tell us what she wrote?

Fail_Pig 0

You get a diary with a lock on it and wear the key on like a necklace so that it is always with you! that's what my paranoid sister did.... she also keeps it in a locked drawer lol

Diary keys tend to suck big time. I could break into my and my cousin's diaries with a needle.

Protoforms_rule 0

OP, I feel your mom looked at my diary, too and for all the "ydi's-keep it hidden" mine *was* hidden. At least my mom just talked to me about some of the things I wrote-not write notes. That's just sad that your mom doesn't respect your privacy.

my grandma did the same when I visited her house...this is why we use password-protected laptops, people.

mysterygirlblue 8

you can password protect any word document easily

that SUCKS. Nobody respects anyone's privacy anymore. Thats really b*tchy of your mom. I'm sorry:( But I have to admit thats hilarious she wrote notes. LMAO

GDinNJ 0

"Nobody respects anyone's privacy anymore." Eh, to be honest, I don't think "anymore" was an appropriate thing to put there, lol. Think about it, in the 60s, a mother had every right (according to society) to invade her daughter's privacy. In fact, many people believe that overbearing parents were the reasons for the hippie movements. So although I agree that this epically sucks and I would flip a shit, I just figured you should realize that this is, in fact, the only time that anyone would have the ability to complain (not that I blame the OP at all) about their overbearing mother, especially over the internet to thousands of people.

ledzepfreak 0

your mom is a bitch for reading your diaries!

deathburger13 0

Today, I found my long lost diary and curiously read it. What's worse than finding out that your mother read your diary? Finding out that your mother wrote comments in it. FML Thats an FML from a few months ago. Notice any similarities?

Hmph. My mother read my camp journal once and bitched me out for swearing and saying that I wished my brother was dead lol So this was just like another before? Possibly not everyone reads all the pages of FML, and moderates them through, but you'd think at least the submission crew would recognize it. Fairly sad.


I usually never say YDI, but you SERIOUSLY deserve it. Who the **** writes about losing their virginity in their diary ?! And the fact that you probley didnt have a lock on it, makes YDI 10x more.