
By Anonymous - 07/08/2009 02:10 - United States

Today, as I opened my diary to write a new entry, I noticed that every page had little side notes about what I had written. It had an extra long note on the page where I wrote about losing my virginity in great detail. All of the notes ended with "Love, Mom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 952
You deserved it 9 020

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get your own back. Write a new entry in your diary about how you seduced your high school principle and let him snort lines of coke off your ****. Either that or "Dear diary, today I had thoughts about killing and eating my family, starting with my mother".

DirtyDiana_fml 0

that sucks privacy is important she should know that.


Here's an idea. write a diary entry about what an invasion of privacy that was & what the hell was your mom thinking!!??

muffinsareyummy 1

that sucks. i have a nosey mother too. fyl.

isamariscool 0

someone already posted this.

Wow, I've heard how moms always get into other people's businesses. But this is one of the worst, I gotta admit. Don't they know the definition of PRIVACY?! FYL indeed.

At least your moma had a good read. keeping diary so mom can find it - plain stupid.

halolord01 2

I read this before a few months ago.

worldsanchor 5

Sorry to say but YDI for keeping a diary. I kept a journal way back when but never put anything important in it. In fact my mom said years later it was the most boring thing she had ever read. I knew she would find and read it eventually *lol*. I suggest keeping an electronic diary with high strength encryption and a decryption key made of a mix of letters and numbers. Oh, also burn the diary in a pot in the kitchen to show your disapproval, it worked for my friends sister.

XDNLxtlz99 0

Similar thing on That's 70's show...

I keep a journal, but I don't think anyone in my family actually knows about it.