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By Dumbass - 19/11/2022 06:00

Today, I went to change my socks after I stepped in a puddle of water. As I walked out of my bedroom with a fresh pair of socks, I stepped in the puddle again. Three times. That's four pairs of socks ruined. God, I'm such a dumbass sometimes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 199
You deserved it 1 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wtafisgoah54 4

Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, you should engage your brain and, oh I don’t know, clean the puddle up before you change your socks? Moron.

Ruined? As in, you'll never be able to wear them again?


Ruined? As in, you'll never be able to wear them again?

n3rdn3ss 8

Never heard of slippers or anything like that?

wtafisgoah54 4

Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, you should engage your brain and, oh I don’t know, clean the puddle up before you change your socks? Moron.

Marcella1016 31

Maybe get checked for ADD. It’s embarrassing how many times I’ve done similar stuff. In my head I’m like “Don’t forget don’t forget don’t forget. DONTFORGETYOUFUCKINGIDIOTSERIOUSLYDONTFORGET!!!!1!11!!” ...And literally as soon as I leave the room, my brain latches onto something else and it’s like the previous thought never existed at all. Either that, or we’re both just dumbasses lol Also, try wearing shoes in the house. Flip flops or house slippers can be comfy af.

Once is an accident. Twice is a result of not having your coffee. Three times, you need the coffee splashed in your face. Four times? Get under the coffee waterfall. Uh, coffee-fall.

Why is there a puddle outside of your bedroom.....dont you think you should check that out instead of worrying about socks and if they're usable again.