Sorry, little dude

By dire-rear - 16/01/2010 20:19 - Singapore

Today, I was stuck on the toilet with a huge stomachache after eating bad food the day before. I got up to flush when I noticed that there was a cockroach struggling feebly in the pile of crap. I'll never know if it got there before or after I crapped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 095
You deserved it 3 655

Same thing different taste


epoh_fml 0

I dunno if it came before or after. **** roaches can survive nuclear wars . . . why not some stomach acid also? lol

Maybe it crawled up her ass pre crap. Very disturbing yes.

i think you would be able to tell if you ate a cockroach or not.

MoonyIce 0

no way that roach survived stomach acid and bile. where did you go to school?

RyanSezFML 0

He was in the log ride at the roach water park.

You should always look before you sit. Just to check for toilet snakes, if nothing else.

I always thought that toilet snakes only existed in my nightmares.

I guess you know why you had a stomachache. FYL.