Sorry, little dude

By dire-rear - 16/01/2010 20:19 - Singapore

Today, I was stuck on the toilet with a huge stomachache after eating bad food the day before. I got up to flush when I noticed that there was a cockroach struggling feebly in the pile of crap. I'll never know if it got there before or after I crapped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 095
You deserved it 3 655

Same thing different taste


Don't worry: there's no possible way a roach could pass through your digestive system unharmed. However, it is quite common for roaches to crawl up inside plumbing pipes from higher or lower floors, even through water.

how do you know it's not possible for the roach to survive? have YOU ever tried to digest a roach?

npk88 0

roaches in Singapore? Supposed to be the cleanest place on earth is it not?!?! lol

Sadly, Singapore still isn't listed on the "Pick a country" map. We're called "Malaysia" on their map. D=

When I lived in Singapore there were roaches everywhere, you just can't escape it. It's the same with ants really. And what map is Singapore listed as Malaysia, this confuses me greatly.

heartagram_in_ro 0

that's why I always look before I sit.

Thats disgusting ! If I saw that id puke !

jamjenni2774 0

WOW it must have been there before u sat down

Americunt 0

Wow, you shit bugs. Awkward. So, are you a backdoor virgin or what?

Obviously afterwards from somewhere. It can't surive in your digestive system.

drowningbird 0