Sorry, little dude

By dire-rear - 16/01/2010 20:19 - Singapore

Today, I was stuck on the toilet with a huge stomachache after eating bad food the day before. I got up to flush when I noticed that there was a cockroach struggling feebly in the pile of crap. I'll never know if it got there before or after I crapped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 095
You deserved it 3 655

Same thing different taste


nonameLiz 0

Thats gotta be one of the most disturbing things i have ever read in my life...I am now scarred

_sourpatchkid 0

oh my god, that's vile! BEST FML EVER!

OP, you have lived one of my nightmares. I don't like taking dumps because I'm scared a bug may crawl up my anus/rectum. My house is clean, but I'm extremely paranoid no matter where I am.

People, OP obviously knows she didn't crap a roach. OP doesn't know whether there was a roach in the toilet and crapped on it or if the roach fell into the toilet while OP was crapping. This isn't exactly worded in a way that makes it seem as if she crapped a roach.

ladida94 0

flushing wile sitting is disgusting! who taught u to do that?!

freakyyyy! cockroaches are disgusting!

that happened to me once... but it was an earwig. and it definitely came out of my ass

Fr0gg13 0

lol if they can survive nuclear bombs, they can maybe survive the inside of a human body. tee hee