Sorry, little dude

By dire-rear - 16/01/2010 20:19 - Singapore

Today, I was stuck on the toilet with a huge stomachache after eating bad food the day before. I got up to flush when I noticed that there was a cockroach struggling feebly in the pile of crap. I'll never know if it got there before or after I crapped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 095
You deserved it 3 655

Same thing different taste


After. A cockroach wouldn't have a chance of survival going through your digestive system.

Depends..did you feel BETTER after the crap?

saranottelling 7

I don't feel sorry for you, jerk! You pooped all over that poor creature! Imagine his FML... Today, I fell in the toilet. When it couldn't get any worse a woman came in and started taking the hugest, smelliest dump all over me while talking on her iPhone about the last episode of Oprah. I strugglied feebly to escape but it was no use, it was everywhere. FML.

Women's doo doo's smell of roses and Periwinkle.

If you are a man: you are in for an unpleasant surprise sometime after you lose your virginity. If you are a woman: see a doctor, you lost your sense of smell.

Emill_fml 0

ftw!!!!! hahahhaahahahhahaahahhahaahhahahahahhhahahaha

xlostwithoutu 0

that's soooo disgusting and creepy yet so funny

namhowell 6

Hahaha, this sure is disgusting, and funny!

meunknown101 0

Haha, don't worry, it was there already, because it's quite impossible for the thing to live through all that process in your body, it would've die from the stomach acid breaking it down already, lol.

bernie69 0

if u didn't shat it, how the he'll dud a roach get into the toilet bowl...

Serial_Killer 0

If it came out of you it would have been crap too. It wouldn't survive your bodies processes