Spammed to death

By lesousterre - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Lees Summit

Today, my grandpa still receives more mail than me. He's been dead for three years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 348
You deserved it 2 723

Top comments

Xobubblyxo 23

Well then he was quite the popular one when he was alive

Don't worry too much about it, OP, it gets far, far, less exciting when it's bills.


My grandpa was a pastor so most of the mail related to that. And no I didn't read it I have better things to do :3

elizacandle 29

Well, it's your fault if you never put yourself out there or try to make friends! It's still sad though.

If you think nobody cares about you, try missing one debt repayment and you'll see how wrong you are!

Angelrose2004 17

"Do you know anybody who will loan you the money to pay off this debt? We need immediate payment." They still don't care about you. They only care about getting their money.

Maybe they don't know he died. Most letters are bills and ads anyways.

Goblin182 26

I still get mail regarding my grandmother due to all the charities she gave money to...but still really no one sends emails nor letters much anymore...

OP, these aren't the times of postal mail. Don't worry about it, I bet you receive 10x more emails he ever has.