Spoke too soon

By Oops - 06/02/2010 08:17 - Australia

Today, I was talking to a female friend online. She was typing out a story bit by bit about how awful she was feeling after being teased. I was responding with, "So, so true" but because of my slow typing it appeared after she wrote, "Doesn't help being fat." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 049
You deserved it 6 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you got out the awkward turtle. He exists for moments like that.

"LOL that was SO meant for the last line hahahaha" is all that's needed


what u should of done is told her to cry u a river, build a bridge, and get over it.

That kind of thing is pretty common (ie. one person's comment appearing 3 lines after the initial comment they were responding to) - it would have been easy to say something like "sorry, I was typing that in reply to XYZ".

Okay, let's have a conversation. If she's fat, then why would she be angry that you're acknowledging her weight? If she isn't fat and calls herself that, then she's an attention ***** that you shouldn't be talking to. Either way, if you're making this an FML, this girl must be a gigantic **** and you're supporting and validating her behavior by listening to her rant. YDI

Thunderbender 2

Oh well, just say you meant that to the message above, thereifixedit

Osakhomen 0

hahaha, that's pretty funny!

F is for fish who eat banana's togetherrr A is for angry pieee T is for tummy tuck cause we all know that its what we all really neeeeed..

I'm sure the timestamp showing how soon that came after the fat comment would prove that you couldn't have possibly meant it. Although it probably is true, most fat chicks let their fatness make them miserable. Then the miserableness is the reason they're unattractive, not their looks.

I have that problem dude, I'm dyslexic, my boyfriend said he loves me and I was trying to reply to his previous message. I said well I don't to him.:(

FreakingFYou 13

the answer: learn to type faster.