
By Taylor D - 07/08/2011 04:40 - United States

Today, I went to Walmart to get some acne cream. As I approached the register, I looked in my wallet for the money. The cashier saw that I didn't have enough money, and before I could say anything, he goes, "Just take it, I've never seen anyone who needs it this much." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 210
You deserved it 4 516

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take your glove off, slap him, and take your business elsewhere.

AaronTkr 0


Ooo the cashier could get fired for that. But kudos to you for getting something free from Walmart!

annieg1984 0

What an idiot, that was rude to say.. I'm sorry you didn't deserve it.

lovelyxx 0

That is so sad! I know exactly what your going through :(

orangefuzzball 0
xocutexofunnyxo 5