
By dad - 03/03/2009 22:28 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my wife when my 14 year-old daughter texted me from her room, "Stop." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 368
You deserved it 83 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MissFae 0

Why are you checking texts in the middle of sex? We're gonna see your wife posting here next...


They have the right to have sex in their house when they want. The second most common reason for divorce is because of lack of sex. Which would happen if they didn't have sex when they could instead of when it's convienient for their child. If you want to scar a child then get a divorce.

I can make her shut up ;) I'm 14 by the way

mylifeisgreat9 13

I do that all the time to my parents :)

Omg my parents have sex all the time when I'm in the next room. And I can't do anything about it because I'm supposed to be sleeping. It sucks I tell you. And since my sisters sleep with me also, I have to distract them to prevent them from hearing my parents have sex. FML

Lipbalm80 3

I do that to my mom i text her over 100 times putting STOP

I think I've had to do that once.. *shiver*..

YDI. As a 15 year old who often wakes up to hearing her parents have sex... I can say that it isn't very pleasing to hear. Maybe if you wait until she is out of the house, in the shower, etc, you may be able to do more and not disturb her with unpleasant noises and maybe she will show the same respect when she is older or when she becomes sexually active.

You could of text her saying, "why? Are you Jealous, sucks to be you"

I hope all the people who say it's their house, they can do w/e they want, are forced to be locked in a house and to listen to their parents have sex. The daughter is 14. Is she expected to move out at that age?