Straight to jail

By anon - 15/07/2011 01:51 - United States

Today, my child was refusing to leave the playground. I had to pry her, screaming and crying, from the monkey bars. I then realized I had been assaulting someone else's kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 002
You deserved it 70 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you can't tell the difference between your own child? Sad.

allitaylor 4

bet her parents loved you for that..


JesterMarcus 0

Please put your children up for adoption, you are obviously not responsible enough to take care of anything more delicate than a cactus.

JesterMarcus 0

Please put your children up for adoption, you are obviously not responsible enough to take care of anything more delicate than a cactus.

hateevryone 14

how the hell could you not know your own child?

you asshole don't you know who ur own kid is

how can you not tell the difference between your own child?

HeartAndSoul2011 0

ha, GREAT parenting skills...NOT!!!! dude you fail at life..and where was your actual child during this?? probably wondering wtf is going on, while pointing, laughing and then wondering who the **** is the guy carrying him away in all the commotion need help, fyl

rockinroyalty 0

YDI for not knowing how your own child looks.

HungerGames95 13

that poor traumatized child... I'm sure the kids parents appreciated that. what a great parent!

What great parenting... can you not recognise your own child? Unless it was some freak circumstance where the other kid was wearing the exact same clothes, this shouldn't be a problem. And even if there was another kid wearing the same clothes, surely their face, hair, or voice could have been an indicator?

RetardedProdigy 0

you really should have been paying better attention - I mean you probably wouldn't have noticed if someone walked off with your child.