Straight to jail

By anon - 15/07/2011 01:51 - United States

Today, my child was refusing to leave the playground. I had to pry her, screaming and crying, from the monkey bars. I then realized I had been assaulting someone else's kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 002
You deserved it 70 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you can't tell the difference between your own child? Sad.

allitaylor 4

bet her parents loved you for that..


Hahahaha. This would make the best commercial for contacts or glasses.

honest mistake. least u didnt him home

#150 does kinda have a point. After all. when i read this i pictured dome person taking some random kid off the monkey bars from the back.

jmonk 0

what an idiot u don't know how your child looks like?

catiebug_19 0

I could only imagine the look on the real parents face.

simon_lala 0

I think you knew it wasn't your kid you just wanted to kidnap them. admit it.

How the hell do you screw that one up?!

qtns0cal 0

how is that even possible? you don't recognize your own kid????? something is wrong with this picture!!!!!

That's dirtier than my browsing history