Such a sweet little boy

By no, YOU raised him - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Concord

Today, I asked my 5-year-old son how school went today. He sighed and said, "Fuck off, dad." I thought kids only became such colossal douchebags in their teens. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 733
You deserved it 6 755


that's an ass whooping waiting to happen

ZY1431 24

the day my kid does that is the last day she does that. she will know better .

Parenting is a hands on activity not a spectator seat Time to get your hands dirty and correct this behaviour now, as opposed to viewing this as a cute story to share with the masses now and to retell at his wedding later

Bust his ass. No child should ever talk to their parent like that. If I did that to my parents at his age; they would have beaten me with a big of oranges till I was a different nationality. Discipline your kid!

Give him a smack. Don't beat him though. 5 years of age, that's very bad. Ground him. Take away all his electronics, everything for at least a month. Let him know that pissing off your parents is very disrespectful. I was beaten so many times in my childhood and never once told my parents to **** off. Not once.

What if the boy doesn't know the true meaning of what he said? What if he heard an older kid say it on the playground and is copying him? You would hit a child for their ignorance? You will be a horrible parent. The first thing OP should do/have done is find out why their son said it and if he knows what it means. Then, if he doesn't, calmly explain what it does and why it is hurtful.

Do you know disciplinary? psychologically? because if you hit him just a bit, he will know what he did is wrong. That's why your kids will be stupid as ****, and brat as shit. Know your situation. It is simply disciplinary. If you let him say something like that, he will think that he didn't say anything wrong. Understand yet?

and by the way, you want respect from your kids. So they don't tell you to **** off like how your kids will tell you because they can't respect someone who can't take actions and show them what's right and wrong.

ptellini 7

Where did he learn to talk like that?

If I said that even though I'm 14 I'd get ******* smacked the shit out of!

Nope. Douche knows no age. Beat him senseless before it takes root!

"Colossal douchebags" I like how you worded that