Suit yourself

By Anonymous - 24/06/2023 03:00 - Germany

Today, I offered my boyfriend medicine which is quite likely to help with his pollen allergy and other health problems, free of charge, and without side effects. I also pointed out an easy fix to keep the pollen out of his apartment. He said, “No thanks” to both, and just kept on complaining. FML
I agree, your life sucks 762
You deserved it 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he just needs someone to listen to him and not offer solutions. The thing to do is to make him think it is his idea to take thw medicine.

What is the medicine and the fix? That's kind of important for me to judge this FML.


Maybe he just needs someone to listen to him and not offer solutions. The thing to do is to make him think it is his idea to take thw medicine.

What is the medicine and the fix? That's kind of important for me to judge this FML.

The medicine: Aleve. The fix: close the windows in the sweltering heat, clean every surface with a dozen damp cloths, dump the cloths in the washing machine, vacuum using a HEPA filter, clean the HEPA filter with running water and the brush that goes with the vacuum cleaner, mop the floor (the order is very important here), than store the clean cloths for next time.

now try and imagine him painting the nursery for your child... can't do it? why are you dating him

Usually it’s men complaining their wife/GF just needed to vent while they are trying to fix the problem. Good to here like most things, this goes both ways too.