Sussy baka
By Singleagain - 09/01/2022 01:59

By Singleagain - 09/01/2022 01:59
By Alybb33 - 05/04/2024 16:00 - United States
By well, now what - 12/12/2014 14:39 - United States - Broken Arrow
By tj - 26/08/2010 04:11 - United States
By Awkward - 26/11/2021 16:58 - Netherlands
By Denise - 03/03/2024 03:00 - United States - Palm Beach
By Anonymous - 16/12/2009 06:15 - United States
By rawkdinosawr - 09/05/2009 15:48 - United Kingdom
By Kiki - 08/03/2013 21:22 - Poland - Myslenice
By Karissa - 24/08/2021 10:01
By Boundaries - 04/02/2021 11:01
Why destroy your own expensive electronics in an attempt to destroy evidence when the destruction alone admits culpability? Just cop to being a douchbag and save yourself the money, but obviously we’re dealing with someone whose elevator doesn’t quite reach the top floors to begin with. Sorry that idiot happened to you.
Wow! Smashing your own phone shows great commitment to the relationship! On the other hand, he was concealing evidence that showed he's not serious about your relationship. Dude, make up your mind!!!
Good news and bad news. Bad news is he's cheating, good news is he can't cheat on you again for awhile.
So... no?
Makes me think the truth is worse than you expect. Sounds like you know he's cheating but at the cost of his phone you don't know with who. I could see doing this if it's someone close to you.
well least he values you over the phone and the lady he sent nudes too
Why destroy your own expensive electronics in an attempt to destroy evidence when the destruction alone admits culpability? Just cop to being a douchbag and save yourself the money, but obviously we’re dealing with someone whose elevator doesn’t quite reach the top floors to begin with. Sorry that idiot happened to you.
Wow! Smashing your own phone shows great commitment to the relationship! On the other hand, he was concealing evidence that showed he's not serious about your relationship. Dude, make up your mind!!!