Take it down!

By steven - 28/06/2009 15:53 - Cayman Islands

Today, I had my first kiss standing in front of my front door. It was really cute, the way you normally think about first kisses. When I got inside, I realized my mom had been watching out of her second story bedroom window, taking pictures. She put them on Facebook captioned, "My baby's first kiss!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 101 348
You deserved it 7 307

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow that really just sucks XD that's a whole new definition of invasion of privacy

Your mom is either the coolest or least cool mom on the planet


Noxx_fml 0

Yeah I had my mom on facebook for a few weeks until I deleted her off my list.

ultravioletbaby 0

I think that's cute. I wish my first kiss would have been captured on camera haha. Even though the guy was a douche.

Autumnatic 0

:( Why is there not a "Parents" category for FMLs? They really need one.

CourtneeMalakian 0

thats why i had my first kiss in his garage but it sucked D:

janaaa 0

hahahaha. that's cute, but terribly embarassing. can't you just ask her to take them off?

If my mom did that, I would kill her.

Your mom is a lunatic. Untag yourself and defriend your mom.

lilsweets2587 0

well I mean did you really think your first kiss would be perfect? Something had to go wrong :-P jk my mom would do the same thing. Just gotta roll with the punches sometimes. I promise in a few years you'll laugh.

nerdgrl128 0

i'm soryy...thats not ok lol but as 159 said, u'll laugh about it someday