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Take your medication

By my brain sucks! - 10/03/2022 22:00

Today, I’ve been getting my ass handed to me by my anxiety for nearly a year. I talked to my doctor about starting meds. I got so terrified of the possible side effects that I not only had an anxiety attack, I also had a panic attack. I still couldn’t bring myself to take the pills. FML
I agree, your life sucks 933
You deserved it 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take the meds. in the worst case you have side effects and you can stop taking them. In the best case, the meds help with your anxiety.

slhiggx 17

Just take the freaking pills.


ashlston 12

I'm sorry.. but as someone with LIFELONG anxiety that wasn't treated with meds until I was 27.... take the meds and be quiet

Take the meds. in the worst case you have side effects and you can stop taking them. In the best case, the meds help with your anxiety.

slhiggx 17

Just take the freaking pills.