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Keep it to yourself

By Anonymous - 11/03/2022 00:01

Today, my family is still telling me to "get over" the death of my great aunt. The great aunt who always gave the most wonderful birthday gifts, and was overall one of the most pleasant people I've ever met, and I'm NOT allowed to be sad that she's gone. Did I mention she died on my birthday? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 402
You deserved it 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wysegirl 24

my aunt died 10 years ago in July.. its still hard. People that mean the world to us take longer to heal from losing. It will get better OP just slowly.

Jon Tessler 14

the OP can grieve however she/he wants. to bitch at them while not knowing if they even made other posts(or even if they did), shows that you are a callous and insensitive person. before you bitch about someone else, go look in the mirror you will find "the problem" staring back at you


slhiggx 17

Oh, you’re the one that was bitter your friend made a different friend a care package but not you. Aren’t you? The person lost a young sibling to a car accident. And you’re mad you didn’t get a care package? That doesn’t make them any less your friend just bc they did something thoughtful for someone else. You seem a bit insensitive in that department. You can mourn any death you have the ability to mourn. That’s your right. But that last post you mad… horribly inappropriate. So you were bound to get what you’d consider negative responses. A great aunt. Someone you are 3 generations apart from. It was most likely her time. Not to sound insensitive myself. My condolences on your loss. But this just seems like a huge cry for attention.

Jon Tessler 14

the OP can grieve however she/he wants. to bitch at them while not knowing if they even made other posts(or even if they did), shows that you are a callous and insensitive person. before you bitch about someone else, go look in the mirror you will find "the problem" staring back at you

Nikki 17

Did you see the other post?

Jon Tessler 14

prove the other "anonymous" post is from this exact same person. heck my fiancee posted an anonymous post last week, you wanna add that one to this OP's post log?

Jon Tessler 14
wysegirl 24

my aunt died 10 years ago in July.. its still hard. People that mean the world to us take longer to heal from losing. It will get better OP just slowly.

i once cried because our family dog died, and my mom stopped telling me when the dogs died cause she didn't want to upset me. my mother has always had a kennel with 8-13 dogs while I grew up.

Did you get a gift on that birthday? Someone had to ask.

I think not everyone knows how to deal with grief, or other's grief. Hug for you friend. I am glad she was in your life