Taking it too far

By wolf boy - 10/07/2011 00:13 - United States

Today, I went to the park with a girl I like. She got playful and climbed a tree, insisting I come up too. While we were sitting and enjoying the view, she suddenly knocked me off the branch, sending me crashing to the ground. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 500
You deserved it 6 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kenik 6

Well climb back up there and push her down!

yummycupkake 0

did she at least push you into an area where there was grass? that means she cares :)


someairforcedude 0

Tell her that there is no insurance payout until after you are married, so stop trying to kill you already

We'd all be better off if that Newton didn't discover gravity... damn you Newton and your Laws!! lol.

luisAngelMarrero 0

ok, u fell down.... then u get a big brick... and use her as target practice , if u hit her . scream out loud "+50" xp points =D

jorgethekilla13 0

um... maybe she got a little too playful?

zinkcalls 0

to better protect yourself from mayhem like me choose allstate...

uhh bad news bud i think the girl you like is a monkey