Thanks babe

By Anonymous - 25/08/2013 23:30 - United States - Mission

Today, my boyfriend gave me the painting he had been working on. It was a heart with wings, my name, and the date we started dating. We have been dating for almost a year and a half. He misspelled my name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 642
You deserved it 4 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TyLloyd 7

Is it something overly complicated? Or something that is more commonly spelled a different way?


He still sounds very sweet. I hope you don't do anything stupid - like dump him for it

Does your name have a few ways to spell if like Marisa two s's or two r's? I know the feeling I always go by a nickname since mine is always spelled wrong...

I know what you mean, my name is Miranda and people always ask if it's Meranda or Maranda. One person even asked me I spelled it Myranda. Apparently my way isn't the most common :/

People may hate me for saying this, but it actually took me forever to get the right spelling for my girlfriends name into my head. I barely ever say or write her real name. Don't be too disappointed, I'm sure his hearts in the right place.

cheshireau 26

It was from the heart, does it matter so much?

Wow men can be so hard to please...... "You misspelt my name" "you cum to early"....... Jeeze love you can't have it all. Jokes. Did you tell him?

**** it I typed women my phone autocorrected to men

Ari1337 15

call me retarded but I don't understand your sense of humour.

I was jokingly saying women complain about everything. I would also like to know if she told the boyfriend that he misspelt it

Maybe the name is something like Diana, but it's weird where it's spelled Dianna or something like that. Extra letters everywhere!

150493x 29

I guess it just depends on yourself. I'd probably be a bit miffed if it was me. But all the same it was a really nice gesture. Personalising gifts is something I love doing and it means a lot more I think than just going out and buying something. Don't be too hard on him he's obviously worked hard on it.

He put in the effort, I can't fault him for that...some people are just poor spellers. If this is your bf's worst flaw, you've got it good.