Thanks but no thanks

By Anonymous - 04/07/2012 18:01 - United States

Today, I called my mom to see how she was doing. She quickly hijacked the conversation and said that she's signed me up for a dating site, because she feels bad that I can't find a decent man. I've been dating my boyfriend for seven months, and she's seen me with him multiple times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 534
You deserved it 2 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Op must be Selena Gomez. Justin Bieber isn't a decent boyfriend. Or girlfriend. Or singer.


I just hate it when people hijack things and make situations awkward.

TheDrifter 23

There's a massively distasteful joke in here somewhere, I just can't seem to hit it.

custmwoody9 4

I think you missed her point! It's called reading between the lines. Good luck.

I feel as though she is "hinting" something to you... Mother knows best ;)

flutter4 7

Mother always has an opinion but it's not always the best

I agree! was merely stating it as a joke because we all know that's not true haha! Also, that is why I put the "winky" face!

Oh well, free prescription to eHarmony or whatever.

Wait a second, prescription isn't the word I'm looking for here. *subscription

TheDrifter 23

This all depends on your boyfriend. Perhaps she has mistaken him for one of your teachers or a local drug dealer? Just blow him on her couch with the door unlocked, it seems to be a popular way of introducing boyfriends to parents.

TheDrifter 23

Just blow him on her couch with the door unlocked. Dozens of other posters have found that this method ensures he will meet your parents in a timely manner. She might think he is just someone you know, but this method will clarify things.

TheDrifter 23

Sorry for the repost, the other didn't show up to me.

mom2pen 4

Greatest show ever, on MTV!

brittlehorn20 21

Maybe she's seen something when you weren't with him to make her think he's horrid.

Take the hint! She hates your boyfriend. The end.

Just because she's seen you with him it doesn't mean she's gotten to know him yet... Bring him by more often