Thanks but no thanks

By Anonymous - 04/07/2012 18:01 - United States

Today, I called my mom to see how she was doing. She quickly hijacked the conversation and said that she's signed me up for a dating site, because she feels bad that I can't find a decent man. I've been dating my boyfriend for seven months, and she's seen me with him multiple times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 534
You deserved it 2 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Op must be Selena Gomez. Justin Bieber isn't a decent boyfriend. Or girlfriend. Or singer.


Nosy parents will always find fault in anyone if they look hard enough. Your with this person because you want to be with them, your Mom is going to have to accept that you can make your own decisions. As long as you are happy that's all that matters.

kitsune3 20

Think about the wording, OP. She said a "decent man." Not "any man." Maybe she doesn't like your boyfriend.

Sorry your mom did this. Some people are going to find fault, no matter what. If your mom actually has legitimate issues for not liking your boyfriend, she should act like a sane adult and explain her concerns.

loveyouall81 2

What's the name of the website and your info? ;-)

PJmeloche 2

Uhm it's not that she forgot, she obviously just doesn't like him.

mollymayan 3

Your Mom is either rude, not very observant or thinks your boyfriend isn't so decent.

Sizzle91 0

Setting a healthy boundary with mom is what needs to happen. She might need to read the book control freak!

Maybe she doesn't think he's decent? Doesn't mean she's right bit I'm sure she has good intentions