Thanks but no thanks

By Anonymous - 04/07/2012 18:01 - United States

Today, I called my mom to see how she was doing. She quickly hijacked the conversation and said that she's signed me up for a dating site, because she feels bad that I can't find a decent man. I've been dating my boyfriend for seven months, and she's seen me with him multiple times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 534
You deserved it 2 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Op must be Selena Gomez. Justin Bieber isn't a decent boyfriend. Or girlfriend. Or singer.


Hiimhaileypotter 52

Maybe your mom has noticed something about your boyfriend that you haven't? Doesn't hurt to reevaluate your relationship. If your mom is just being a bitch, FYL.

FLUTTERSHY!!! That was so bold of you to say! I'm proud =,)

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Oh, I'm so happy someone noticed! I've been getting assertiveness training :')

every1luvsboners 11

That's her way of saying shes been banging your boyfriend and it's time for you to find someone else to pleasure her.

Hell, I know of some dollar-store ****** willing to give the mom a happy ending.

Ask your boyfriend to be the best gentleman possible. I'm talking tux, Rolex and a popular male perfume. If your mum is still not convinced, screw her (metaphorically).

Ew. A tuxedo, an exorbitantly expensive watch and some crap mass-produced designer fragrance swill makes a man a true gentleman? That sounds like a Ken doll. And here I thought good values, respect for one another and oneself and a great sense of humor were true assets. Huh. Guess I learned something new today.

Princess - If you mistook my comment for being literal, I am sorry. It is a joke. I don't know what makes the perfect gentlemen and probably never will. And I completely agree with good values, respect and true assets.

PJmeloche 2

Doesn't even look like a joke, not even funny.

Have you formally introduced him to her? She might have thought he was just a friend.

It sounds like the only man that's good enough for you is the one she picks out. Good luck!

On the same note, my mom is married to the guy she was thinking of introducing me to 8 years ago. She had the same idea your mom does only it turns out she really liked him and he her. So now i call him "Daddy." lol. I don't, but we get along well enough.

yeah, now OP knows what her mom thinks of her boyfriend. :-(

rebel_belle1974 5

Lol doesn't sound like she likes him :D

linkinpark98 23

Oh my gosh, really? What the hell, I would have never known!

NeedSomeLogic 7

She maybe doesn't know that he is your boyfriend. Tell her she maybe have gotten confused.

afallingstar 22

Well you mom doesn't think your boyfriend is decent and maybe shes on to something...we often are blinded in the early parts of a relationship and don't see the bad in others until its too late...happened to me, it took me 12 years to realize the man I married was totally wrong for me

Or maybe OP's mom just likes to kvetch, and nobody OP comes up with could possibly be good enough to suit her mom.