Thanks, but no thanks

By chiraag87 - 06/11/2009 18:37 - United States

Today, I was called into work to fix up their projection system. I drove 40 kilometers in peak hour to get there. As soon as I parked my car and was about to walk in, I got a phone call saying "Don't worry, we fixed it, you don't have to come in." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 481
You deserved it 2 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did California switch to the metric system without telling the rest of us?

you're in cali and you go by km?? we use miles here, buddy.


You should have insisted on coming in anyways to make sure it is in fact fixed. Or in this case, to make sure it isn't. So that you can then charge them to fix it yourself.

who lives in the USA and uses the metric system to measure driving distance? gtfo my country

That is why you should have replied before you went in to tell them you're coming.

sugarpoppaige 6

I don't really know kilometers compared to miles