Thanks for the mental image!

By jennythezebra - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Thornton Heath

Today, a customer told me, "Girls your size can't bend at the waist." I couldn't stop laughing at the imagery long enough to be really offended. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 474
You deserved it 5 750

Top comments

conman531 23

Hey, it's always okay to laugh at yourself

Laughing at the stupidity of others at an attempted insult is always the best!


You should have said something like "yeah if I bent over, my ass would knock you into the next state."

I guess you cant use the classic bend and snap technique then huh :(

crazytwinsmom 25

OP has a great attitude and sense of humor!

ihavenolifehaha 16

Better to just laugh it off anyway, rather than saying something stupid.

91hayek 31

I don't know what you look like and already I want to be your friend. I like people who don't stoop to the level of ignorant ass-goblins and their comments, but I like them even better when they can laugh it off as well.

Fat people really are jolly sometimes.

what is she, santa claus? no, theyre not jolly, theyre people. and she should be proud to have a sense of humor and be able to laugh at "jokes."

I'm glad you didn't let the customer get to you OP you're not fat god loved you so much he decided to super size you.

91hayek 31

You sound like those mothers that are always there with a silver lining for their kids. My mom always said things like this and though I would just be even angrier at whatever was bothering me, she taught me how to have a positive attitude even if I didn't sugar coat it with flowery phrases and coat it in sweet idioms. Sayings come and go, a positive, never-say-die attitude stays forever.

Nyarlothatep 12

You should've bent over whilst laughing...