Thanks, I guess

By Anonymous - 03/01/2011 10:08 - United States

Today, my ex-girlfriend came over to console me after a breakup. After beating me repeatedly in Mario Kart, she decided to leave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 160
You deserved it 8 519

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stepherrss 0

& This is a FML why? Were you expecting your EX to stay the night and **** your brains out? Grow up, she came over as a friend, to help out, not to screw you to make you feel better.

And then you realized there's a reason she's your ex.


I guess by "console" she really meant she would play on your console.

djmigues 7

Auggggh. Seriously? If you need a **** to get your mind off of a break up, then don't try and use your friends, go find a hooker. If that's all you're keeping her around for, it's cruel. She's a person, not your right hand.

I didn't know Mario kart was one word

why did you have an ex comfort you after a breakup??

Stepherrss 0

well obviously she was there as a friend, she obviously still cares about him enough to try and cheer him up, he should take that as it is and stfu. It doesn't mean she was obligated to sleep with him lol.

ur lucky she came over at all to comfort u i mean this is ur ex wouldnt it be awkward if u guys hugged??? so instead u lost to a girl at mario carts!!!! lol

Apparently, she thought you may have left you balls in your late girlfriend's purse... and discovered she was right. Get over it.