
By Appelflap - 29/03/2013 22:18 - Belgium - Sint-niklaas

Today, I was feeling down following a recent breakup. My dad tried to comfort me by patting me on the back and saying everyone goes through ups and downs, "Like when I found out your mum and I were having a boy." I'm their only son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 644
You deserved it 2 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he was referring to that as an "up" moment?


dryersheet 11

Better than being their only daughter..

It could be one of the 'up's in their lives? Not necessarily a down.

maybe he was trying to tell you that sometimes when you don't get what you want it turns out to be exactly what you need or it could be that he just has a bent sense of humor any case he cared enough to listen and that counts OP

He had to be joking even if he did mean I don't think he would say it to his face. But you never know with heartless people we have in the world now FYL OP

rokolodo 10

He(Dad) meant that was an "up moment" I'm sure!

That was the up, not down, he was talking about silly boy.

Chucklikesbacon 12

Parents are like that, I think he was trying to lighten up the situation with a joke. Even if it was unfitting.

saffy66 34

Maybe he meant that was an 'up' not a 'down' - you did say he mentioned both?