The Apprentice

By panther of the desert - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Puerto Rico - Rio Grande

Today, I was to have an important phone interview for a job. I got a call and everything went perfectly, and they said I was hired. Later, I found out that one of my "friends" had gotten one of his buddies to prank call me and make sure the line was engaged when the real interviewer called. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 857
You deserved it 2 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Drop your friend. He sounds like a dick.

baileygirl88 8


DaniAngel 7

That sucks, time to change friends and probably your number so nothing like that doesn't happen again.

OP, by putting "friends" in quotation marks it sounds like you've already done the right thing by dropping them. Still, I can't help but be amazed that someone would have the time on their hands to even come up with this prank and carry it out. Don't worry; you'll find something better.

Your "friend" and his buddies are a fistful of assholes, and I hope you gave them holy hell for their cruel prank.

They should now be an ex friend. What a twat.

Olive75_fml 0

Oh my god. What kind of "friend" would do that?

Oh my; your friends are absolute *****. So sorry to hear that. I hope you manage to get another interview.

That's harsh. Your friends are douches!

Dick cheese makes better friends than your "friends".

That's pretty messed up. You need new friends