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Little demon

By Hackmanjones - 13/06/2009 14:42 - Canada

Today, I was volunteering at a zoo event for special needs kids. My job was to dress up in a kangaroo costume and greet the kids. One kid came up and said, "You're not real!" and kicked me in the nuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 426
You deserved it 4 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a woman and you have balls. Your L is F'd.

well at least he knows you weren't real lol thats a smart "slow" kid =P


FBIWarning 0

LOL i'd start wearing a cup.

You're a woman and you have balls. Your L is F'd.

Felendris 0

he (/she?) shouldve kangaroo kicked him back. man I would pay to see that event....

YDI for not impersonating a kangaroo correctly and kicking him on the face whilst bouncing off your it's not that hard!

well at least he knows you weren't real lol thats a smart "slow" kid =P

Hunthas 17

the same thing happened to me, except with raccoons :(

what? you dressed up as an acorn and got bit in the balls :P

Definitely wear a cup, kids are dangerous when it comes to giant costumes!

SluttyMcNugget 0

Well that sucks, but remember they have it worst than you.....they're special needs kids so their life is already so ****** up. Nonetheless, FYL.

jerseystreetking 0

cant blame them for being brutally honest

alexgisforme3 0
HorrorByrd 0

HAHAHAHAHA good for you for keeping your cool I would have kicked the kid back

haha ouch! that sucks, but i agree with # 6

DonovanE 0

The bastard! You shouldve kicked him right back! ;)