The cheek!

By Anonymous - 01/06/2014 16:36 - Germany - Ammerndorf

Today, my daughter used her spare key to get into my house while I was at work, then took and pawned off all of my jewelry. She only confessed when I confronted her with video camera footage. Her defense was that I told her I'd leave her everything in my will. Honey, I'm not dead yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 995
You deserved it 5 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aspen_Grace33 27

Maybe you should teach her a lesson the hard way and take her to the police station to discuss what this could lead to in the future... My parents did that with my brother when he was forging progress reports they were supposed to sign!


kazthesb 10

Change it. Who knows? She might come for more, next time

She should look over the story of the lost son in the bible

catharsis5 9

Send her to the police then tell her that you changed/will change your will.

Since you said "my house" I will assume your daughter is an adult and/or living elsewhere. My advice? 1. File charges. 2. Change your door locks. 3. Get window locks. 4. Change all your credit card and bank account numbers. She sees your things as hers, so you better protect them.

don't forget 5 take her out of the will

Take back those damn keys and change your locks. Trust broken, no more house privileges.

rocker_chick23 27

If my son or daughter did that, they would be in jail. I don't care if you're my child, you don't ever steal from me.

Rick and company didn't do a very good job of asking the seller from where she acquired said jewelry!

Didn't know Pawn Stars had a branch in Germany. Here in the states a pawn shop has to make sure they aren't accepting stolen property. Might be different in other countries.

Goblin182 26

With Jewlery there really is no way to be sure, all you can do is ask.

91hayek 31

Sounds like a drug problem; if so fyl OP. If she is rationalizing that you're good as dead then the brakes have really gone and all bets are off in her pursuit for the next high.

no offense your daughter sounds like a total money grubbing *****. fix it.