The fun police has arrived

By shonfyr - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Spain

Today, it was a really slow day at work. One thing lead to another, and soon enough we were all taking turns shoving each other across the office on a swivel chair. Our boss came in during my turn, and I got singled out for a verbal warning. Everyone else got off with a disapproving glare. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 342
You deserved it 10 258

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"One thing lead to another," ... I was expecting something sexual after that and facepalmed.

iLike2Teabag 27

I was expecting an FML about hooking up with coworkers when I first read this...


cynical78 15

Your next FML will likely start off "today I got fired for ......"

My managers would have been right in there with the rest of us. I work in a grocery store and we aren't allowed to leave until 15 minutes after closing so we have shopping cart races.

olpally 32

You should have just been working like normal even if it was cleaning something.

Sucks that you were singled out, but you all knew the risks. It's like the grown-up version of playing London Bridge... someone has to get caught!

Next time let them play and someone else will get the verbal lashing. Sorry op.

I'm sorry you were the only one to get jumped onto. You really shouldn't have been doing that at work though.