Workers unite!

By Anonymous - 09/10/2024 15:00 - Australia

Today, the train to work was both late and almost empty. The city deserted with barely a soul in sight. It wasn’t until arriving at the office that I realised everything is closed due to a Public Holiday. I’m new to this state and not one colleague or acquaintance mentioned it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 368
You deserved it 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Must be some crappy holiday like Labor day, Arbor Day, Victoria Day or We're-Pissed-Because-Quebec-has-a-Holiday-and-we-don't Day.


Must be some crappy holiday like Labor day, Arbor Day, Victoria Day or We're-Pissed-Because-Quebec-has-a-Holiday-and-we-don't Day.