The naughty step

By firefromherlips - 28/11/2013 00:25 - United States - Gallatin

Today, I found out the position I thought I had earned by working hard was only to separate me from my coworkers because I "talked too much". Instead of addressing the issue like adults, I've essentially been put in time-out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 992
You deserved it 8 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

katydid91 31

I have a co-worker like you at my job. Our supervisor on occasion has to separate him from the rest of us on the work floor. It gets really quiet and boring then..


OP got managed up instead of managed out.

Way to go with the passive-aggressive bu!!$hit to get a promotion.

I'd have thumbed this up if the word had been spelled out!

BradTheBrony 19

#18, I've written a haiku for you ******* hell ******* bitch asshole pussy dick shit swearing is allowed

StompinOnCrayons 15

Maybe it'll be better without hanging out with the jerk co-workers. And promotion still sounds like a better job with (hopefully) better money and you say you're working hard so carry on ! (:

Sounds like a win win for everyone.... You get a job you were working hard for and desired (assuming it had other benefits, too) and your coworkers are less distracted and more productive. How is it that you see it as a time out if it's what you wanted??? You want the job on your terms and only your terms? What if someone else deserved it more? What if you'd been fired for disrupting the rest of the staff? That'd be a real time out! I don't see it as a FYL because of your lack of gratitude for having a job you want and not appreciating your gifts.

Maybe YOU should be more of an adult and not talk so much during work. You were probably disrupting your co-workers as well. There's nothing more annoying than a co-worker who won't shut up.

Throw a temper tantrum, hold your breath til you turn blue, then scream at your boss," I hate you."

Don't forget to add 'YOURE NOT MY REAL DAD!'

Girlie7 11

I really don't know weather to put ydi or fyl .....I guess u kinda deserve both...

alphatoomega 21

If only there were buttons you could press so as not to clutter up the comment section...oh wait...

YDI. They wouldn't do something like that unless they had an extremely good reason

On the bright side, you don't have to be around those jerks anymore. Now you know how they really feel about you. And if It's a better position, consider it a win-win. :3

just keep doing what you're this rate, you could own the company ;)